@ California is Paving the Way for the Cost Efficient Development of Microgrids | Charge Bliss*

Recent approval for the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to create more incentives for utilities to propel the development of clean energy microgrids, is one of many steps the state has taken to being the forerunner of renewable resiliency.

The new plan involves the creation of new Microgrid tariffs designed to incentivize the development of these systems by potentially compensating the system owner from the utility.

Utilities will be submitting there proposed rates for approval in April of 2021 and are expected to be approved and active by September the same year.

Charge Bliss has established experience in providing microgrid development and construction services and well as utility management services for customers around California.

Click the button below or contact us today to see how you can capitalize on these upcoming incentives.